Boom Towns & Relic Huntersof Washington State · Exploring Washington's Historic Ghost Towns & Mining Camps

Boom Towns & Relic Huntersof Washington State · Exploring Washington's Historic Ghost Towns & Mining Camps
Smith, Jerry
Classic Day Publishing
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Visiting the ageless Wild West boom town mining days and striking it rich! Back in the glory days, gold was $21 per ounce, now, the price of gold is $1,641 per ounce. There was more gold left behind than was taken out. Today, it s mainly a mother lode of memories; however, Jerry Smith states, There’s still gold in them-thar hills! Just when you thought that striking-it-rich was impossible, comes a fresh, new updated and revised edition by demand of his bestselling, first-edition book; transporting one back in time to the boom town days of yesteryear, bringing back to life the ageless Old West mining-era days of prosperous boomtowns, miners, prospectors, pioneers, desperados, and million-dollar gold and silver mines. Boom Towns one’s research can actually lead to pay-dirt. So, as a reader, if you re not looking to strike it rich, but would like to visit those colorful Old West days and relive some of Northeastern Washington State s history, excitement is awaiting you in Jerry’s New & Expanded Edition, Boom Towns & Relic Hunters Of Washington State-Exploring Washington’s Historic Ghost Towns & Mining Camps. Don’t miss out! Order your book today! This second New & Expanded Edition is filled with over 320 pages, which includes over 137 of Jerry’s rare and historic photographs, 23 rare and one of a kind historic mining documents, complete with exact GPS locations, and 25 new adventure stories. In addition, the book makes a great self-guided ghost town reference book to carry in one’s automobile while visiting this part of Washington State. For those planning a trip to Northeastern Washington State, the guide will provide advanced information for a greater appreciation of the historic sites one can experience upon arrival.

If you are looking to strike it rich, this is the book for you!