[Dark Gate Angels 01] • Dark Gate Angels

[Dark Gate Angels 01] • Dark Gate Angels
Vance, Ramy & Anderle, Michael
LMBPN Publishing
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A battle-elf, gladiator and super genius walk into a bar… Actually, there’s no punch line. ​

But you can guarantee someone’s getting decapitated.

Anabella is a supermodel with a secret. She’s really an elf. And she’s bored, bored, bored. Born and bred as a warrior, Anabella wants nothing more than to trade her tiara for a dagger and a gun.

Careful what you wish for…

When orcs invade Earth, will Anabella have her chance?

Abby is a robotics engineer and certifiable genius (as well as simply certifiable). When Abby’s father is killed by the orcs, she plans on using her intellect to avenge him.

Terra is the toughest person in Kansas. Too bad she’s not in Kansas anymore. She was kidnapped by orcs to fight in their sick and twisted battle games.

Both Abby and Terra want revenge in the form of gloopy, green orc blood. Will the blood be green, or red?

Alone, none of them stand a chance. But together they just might be enough to bring evil to its knees.

These three warriors didn’t start the war…but you can be damn sure they’re going to try to finish it. Will they succeed?