[Gutenberg 48404] • The Hero of Manila: Dewey on the Mississippi and the Pacific

[Gutenberg 48404] • The Hero of Manila: Dewey on the Mississippi and the Pacific
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If this little book does not show for itself why it was written, how it was written, and for whom it was written, not only a preface but the entire text would be useless. The author believes that in every life that is greatly useful to mankind there is a plan and a purpose from the beginning, whether the immediate owner of that life is aware of it or not; and that the art of the biographer-whether he is dealing with facts exclusively or is mingling fact and fiction-should make it discernible by the reader. The authorities that have been consulted include the Life of David Glasgow Farragut, by his son; Admiral Ammen's Atlantic Coast; Greene's The Mississippi; Battles and Leaders of the Civil War; The Rebellion Record; Marshall's History of the Naval Academy, and especially Adelbert M. Dewey's Life and Letters of Admiral Dewey.