The Jesus Driven Life · Reconnecting Humanity With Jesus · 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded

The Jesus Driven Life · Reconnecting Humanity With Jesus · 2nd Edition Revised and Expanded
Hardin, Michael
JDL Press
religion , christian
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Will the real Jesus please stand up...Who is Jesus Christ for us today? What has happened as Jesus, the rabbi from Galilee, has been displaced as the center of the Christian faith and replaced with false portraits? How can we understand the relation between this nonviolent Jesus and the violent God of most Christian traditions? What might Christianity look like if it truly followed this Jesus? These ideas and many others are demystified in this book. Utilizing the work of Rene Girard, The Jesus Driven Life takes us beyond the dead ends and false trails of much Christian interpretation of the Bible. Come discover a new and exciting Way of living in the world as true humans who imitate the crucified and risen Lord!

Walter Wink: The Jesus Driven Life is nothing less than a magisterial synthesis of much that can be known about Jesus and the early centuries of Christianity and their continuing relevance for today.

Shane Claiborne: This book is an invitation to take a closer look at the Pearl that is so precious it is worth leaving everything in the world to pursue.

Ted Grimsrud: A simple question in this passionate, pastoral, and peaceable book; what would it mean for our life in the world were we truly to place the Jesus of the Gospels at the center? It would mean a revolution of reconciliation and healing.

Jon Pahl: Here is extraordinary value for any reader who is hungry for a realistic, intelligent, and peaceful version of the Christian faith.

Tony Bartlett: The Jesus Driven Life will overturn conventional hermeneutics to date.

James Alison: Here is a great new resource in the Christian Adventure. The JDL is thoroughly ecumenical in its scope, richly biblical in its sourcing and gloriously Christ-centered in its excitement about God.

Gregory Boyd: For all who sense that there is something profoundly off with the westernized Gospel they have been given, even more for all who do not yet sense what is wrong, The Jesus Driven Life is a must read!