[Paternus Trilogy 01] • Paternus

[Paternus Trilogy 01] • Paternus
Ashton, Dyrk
Paternus Books Media
contemporary fantasy , gods monsters myth , fantasy , mythic fiction , fantasy adventure , mythic fantasy , modern fantasy
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**Even myths have legends. And not all legends are myth.**

When a local hospital is attacked by strange and frightening men, Fiona Patterson and Zeke Prisco save a catatonic old man named Peter--and find themselves running for their lives with creatures beyond imagination hounding their every step.

With nowhere else to turn, they seek out Fi’s enigmatic Uncle Edgar. But the more their questions are answered, the more they discover that nothing is what it seems--not Peter, not Edgar, perhaps not even themselves.

The gods and monsters, heroes and villains of lore--they’re real. And now they’ve come out of hiding to hunt their own. In order to survive, Fi and Zeke must join up with powerful allies against an ancient evil that’s been known by many names and feared by all. The final battle of the world’s oldest war has begun.

*Paternus: Rise of Gods*, is Dyrk Ashton’s critically acclaimed debut novel and the first book in *The Paternus Trilogy*. It has been compared to works by Neil Gaiman, Scott Hawkins, Roger Zelazny, China Miéville, Joss Whedon, and Kevin Hearne.

**Editions note**: Earlier editions list the title as simply *Paternus*. These are the same book as *Paternus: Rise of Gods*.

**Genre**: Urban Fantasy / Contemporary Fantasy / Mythic Fiction.

**Market**: Adult to New Adult (as opposed to Teen or YA, though savvy 16 or 17 year olds might survive without permanent damage).