Feel Like Yourself Again · How to Heal and Recover From Injury, Surgery and Illness

Feel Like Yourself Again · How to Heal and Recover From Injury, Surgery and Illness
Javril, Marci
Marci Javril- www.VitalityExperience.com
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Feel Like Yourself Again: heal and recover from injury, surgery & illness - "The Everyday Person's Handbook for self-renewal" - [www.VitalityExperience.com](http://www.VitalityExperience.com)

Marci Javril, Vitality Expert, reveals practices and techniques based on over 30 years of teaching lymphatic massage and internal organ detox, post-op scar softening and colon cleansing to health professionals. Marci delivers a comprehensive alternative guide, includes: lifestyle diet & healthy eating, lymph node massage, anatomy charts for lymphatic & immune systems, post-surgery & chemo-therapy recovery, releasing adhesions & restrictions, team building & resources. This eBook offers lo-cost, lo-effort, lo-tech tips & tools, to flush out toxic wastes, and increase circulation and vital energy. Simple, scientifically proven methods guide the everyday person in self-care for optimal health & longevity.

Guest Speaker Topics from eBook: 7 Steps for Detox- Sparkle Activities, lymph massage, yoga breathing, stress reduction, scar softening, dry skin brushing, colon cleansing, emotional release, deep relaxation, restorative stretches, juice fasting, hoop dance, creative movement therapy. Click to download Free Preview of eBook & Tele-Seminars -[http://vitalenergycenter.com/FeelPrev...](http://vitalenergycenter.com/FeelPreview.pdf)

Watch Preview video: Lessons & Case Histories of Self-Healing -