[Song of the Sídhí 01] • Beloved LifeMate

[Song of the Sídhí 01] • Beloved LifeMate
Cooper, Jodie B.
Jodie B. Cooper
fantasy , series , paranormal romance , hea , teen love , love story , romance , elves , vampires
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Paranormal Romance

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What happens when a powerful elvish monarch opens a doorway from Sídhí to Earth?

He stumbles upon a beautiful halfling who may spell doom for his entire world. When she turns out to be his predestined lifeMate, he knows without a shadow of doubt, his day has gone from bad to worse. Full-bloods, especially royals, never mate with halflings.

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What's a girl to do when her destined lifeMate tries to kill her?

It all starts late one night about midnight ~ the only realistic time for a blood drinker to be out and about.

Miranda is having a fun-filled trip to Tulsa, celebrating her seventeenth birthday. Well, it was fantastic until her lifeMate tries to kill her.

Life as she knows it is about to come down to two critical facts: Stay away from sharp swords and do not fall off the commode.

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Contained within the e-book:

Beloved LifeMate: Song of the Sídhí - A short story - 17,000 words

Excerpt from Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire - 4,500 words

Glossary of Sídhí Terms – 1,300 words

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Short excerpt:

I glanced toward the dark trees; the river called to me. Trellick Valley covered the same area of land as Tulsa, but in my home valley the river area was surrounded wilderness, not a big city. I wondered if the river looked as different as it smelled.

On impulse, I turned off the paved path, heading into the forest of trees that skirted the river. The wooded area between the walkway and the river wasn't very wide, but had a thick undergrowth of spindly trees and bushes.

A dozen feet into the wooded area I found a small clearing, not very big and not at all interesting. I crossed it with quick steps, eager to see the river before Fritz came looking for me. I was nearly at the far edge when the sudden presence of a gateway stopped me cold. The surge of power tingled across my skin, forcing chill bumps to bloom across my skin.

Gateways existed all across the world, but since they didn't normally pop into existence, at the drop of a hat, the presence of one spelled trouble.

I shuddered and fear skittered down my back. A random gateway was not normal; a single wild gateway might open every thousand years, but that was it. Whatever was going on, it must be really bad.

Yeah, I was a true pessimist; it made me feel better when the bottom dropped out.

I held my breath and turned toward the source of the surging power. Sure enough, less than ten feet away from me, a gateway stood open. A mundane human would never see it, but to my Sídhí eyes it glowed a soft yellowish-white. I glanced past the edges and into an expensively decorated room, realizing it definitely wasn't a wild gateway. I really wish it had been.

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Fear froze me.

At the threshold of the door-sized gateway stood a man, a gorgeous elf with shoulder length midnight colored hair and hunter green eyes. He looked about twenty-five, but it was impossible to tell how old a Sídhí was by their looks, appearances could be very deceptive. Once we reached our mid-twenties, all Sídhí stopped aging. For all I knew, he might be thousands of years old.

It was brutally apparent he was an elf; his eyes and ears were different from a vampire. His pointed ears were about an inch taller than a non-elf's ears. And the black center of his eyes were larger, as well as the colored area. Actually, I could barely see the white around the dark green of his eyes.

His eyes held my attention; they indicated he was older than me, much older.

I wished I knew how much older. I got a small hint when his normally large pupils didn't expand upon seeing me. A younger elf couldn't suppress the expanding reaction when surprised or when their emotions changed.

I groaned. Elves were wickedly fast. I might have had a chance against a younger elf, but not an older one. I was so screwed.