Dad Bod Next Door · Dad Bod Series-Men Built for Comfort

Dad Bod Next Door · Dad Bod Series-Men Built for Comfort
Phillips, Reagan
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I’m not known for my chivalry. Most people find me blunt. I prefer to think of myself as efficient. See a need, fill a need. No BS. No emotions. Just work. That attitude saw me through some tough years in the military and has made my little three-man construction crew the best in town.

That attitude has also kept me single. But, hey, if a woman can’t handle the truth, it’s not my place to teach her how. That is until the fiery brunette moves into the fixer-upper next door and begins treating the old bungalow as a DYI project. I can’t stand to see good bones wasted on incompetence, and this chick’s idea of improvements makes my blood boil.

So why can’t I keep myself from visiting her home every chance I get? I tell myself it’s to keep the place from becoming the neighborhood eyesore, but even I know that’s not what keeps me up at night thinking about Her.

When my crew says I’m going soft, I know I’m in trouble. But it’s the fact that I’m beginning to understand her vision for the home that tells me I’m the real fixer-upper and Mo's the only woman I want on my reconstruction crew.


Chauvinistic Asshole. That’s the name of the man next door. Since the day I moved in, he’s had his nose in my business and his “mansplaining” in my ear.

I have less than three months to turn this foreclosure into a proper home for my disabled brother and me. Connor needs a place to live, and guardianship requires I provide a safe and stable home life.

I’m no carpenter, but I have a vision for this place. A home Connor can grow old in. Since I’ve sunk every free dollar I have into the project, I’m determined to bring my dream to fruition.

Breaking down walls and unhooking pipes, the house is in worse repair than I’d bargained for, and I need help from the egotistical guy next door. Only, the more time he spends around the place, the more I realize he’s not as bad as I thought. After meeting Connor, he even has some good ideas for the house.

Days filled with painting and sanding turn into nights cuddled in Vic’s arms. He’s really just a big, grumpy teddy bear, and the more time we spend together, the more I can envision a future with my new neighbor until the house is complete and Victor turns his fixing skills on my brother.

He may be the man of my dreams. The only one capable of taking on my situation. But Connor is and will always be my first priority. No matter how hard I’m falling for the big lug next door.

Dad bods make a big impression in 2021-and they're not going anywhere! This January, some of your favorite contemporary romances authors are bringing you a sexy selection of Brawny, hot Dad Bods and the women who love their men with a little something extra to hold onto.

These men are built for comfort but don't be fooled-they will stop at nothing to protect the women who've claimed their hearts.