[Red Rocks 01] • Healing Woman of the Red Rocks

[Red Rocks 01] • Healing Woman of the Red Rocks

**Red Rocks Trilogy: Past, Present, Future**

*Healing Woman of the Red Rocks (Past): *release date April, 2015

*Song of the Red Rocks (Present)*: release date July, 2015

*Spirit Tree of the Red Rocks* *(Future): *release October, 2015**

Dr. Thomas Matthews **lost his wife to a mysterious illness and now his daughter is showing the same symptoms. He is desperate to find a cure. In an unexpected turn of events, he overhears two outlaws discussing a woman known as the Healing Woman of the Red Rocks. She supposedly has an uncanny ability to heal. Thomas gains the confidence of the outlaws and they give him directions to a place known as the "red rocks" in Arizona Territory.


Tana Raven Sees** makes her home in a valley surrounded by red monoliths. Although others claim she lives alone, she is never alone. Not only do the forest animals come to her when they are injured or ill, but she is often visited in dreams by her deceased grandmother, Frannie. For years, Frannie has been foretelling of a man who will seek her out...and make her cry. After waiting so long, she decides her grandmother is mistaken. That is, until the day he arrives with his daughter.


Tana awakened still hearing the echo of her grandmother's words from the realm of dreams. *He's coming, dearest Tana. He's the one who will make you cry.* Sighing, she turned onto her side and yawned. Her grandmother Frannie had died when Tana was sixteen and she often visited her granddaughter in dreams, always with the same message about someone coming. Years ago, Tana had eagerly awaited his arrival, but when it never happened, she'd decided her grandmother was confused in her heavenly home. Of course, how that could be so, she'd never found a satisfactory answer.

Speaking aloud, she said, "Frannie, you've been teasing me with those words for years. I'm thirty now and still no one has come. And you know I don't cry. I didn't even cry when you were buried, or Grandpa or Papa or Mama, because I know you're always with me." She chuckled, "I sometimes see you all out of the corner of my eye. And I always feel your presence. So, if I don't cry for the departed, why would I cry for a living person?"