[Gutenberg 43592] • The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume II

[Gutenberg 43592] • The Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Volume II
Thayer, Alexander Wheelock
ludwig van , biography , music , 1770-1827 , beethoven
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The Year 1803 — Cherubini’s Operas in Vienna — Beethoven’s Engagement at the Theater-an-der-Wien — “Christus am Ölberg” again — Bridgetower and the “Kreutzer” Sonata — -Negotiations with Thomson — New Friends — Mähler’s Portrait of Beethoven.

Kotzebue, after a year of activity in Vienna as Alxinger’s successor in the direction, under the banker Baron von Braun, of the Court Theatre, then a year of exile in Siberia (1800), whence he was recalled by that semi-maniac Paul, who was moved thereto by the delight which the little drama “Der Leibkutscher Peters III.” had given him — then a short time in Jena, where his antagonism to Goethe broke out into an open quarrel, established himself in Berlin. There he began, with Garlieb Merkel (1802), the publication of a polemical literary journal called the “Freymüthige,” Goethe, the Schlegels and their party being the objects of their polemics. Spazier’s “Zeitung für die Elegante Welt” (Leipsic) was its leading opponent, until the establishment of a new literary journal at Jena.

At the beginning of 1803, Kotzebue was again in Vienna on his way to Italy. Some citations from the “Freymüthige” of this time have an especial value, as coming, beyond a doubt, from his pen. His position in society, his knowledge from experience of theatrical affairs in Vienna, his personal acquaintance with Beethoven and the other persons mentioned, all combine to enable him to speak with authority. An article in No. 58 (April 12) on the “Amusements of the Viennese after Carnival,” gives a peep into the salon-life of the capital, and introduces to us divers matters of so much interest, as to excuse the want of novelty in certain parts.


Chapter I. The Year 1803 — Cherubini’s Operas in Vienna and Rivalry between Schikaneder and the Imperial Theatres — Beethoven’s Engagement at the Theater-an-der-Wien — “Christus am Ölberg” again — Bridgetower and the “Kreutzer” Sonata — Career of the Violinist — Negotiations with Thomson for the Scottish Songs — New Friends — Willibrord Mähler’s Portrait of Beethoven — Compositions of the Year — A Pianoforte from Erard 1

Chapter II. The Year 1804 — Schikaneder Sells His Theatre and is then Dismissed from the Management — Beethoven’s Contract Ended and Renewed by Baron Braun — The “Sinfonia Eroica” — Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia — Quarrel between Beethoven and von Breuning — The “Waldstein” Sonata — Sonnleithner, Treitschke and Gaveaux — Paër and His Opera “Leonora” — “Fidelio” Begun — Beethoven’s Growing Popularity — Publications of the Year 22

Chapter III. The Year 1805 — Schuppanzigh’s First Quartet Concerts — First Public Performance of the “Eroica” — Pleyel — The Opera “Leonore,” or “Fidelio”; Jahn’s Study of the Sketchbook — The Singers and the Production — Vienna Abandoned by the Aristocracy as French Advance — Röckel’s Story of the Revision of the Opera — Compositions and Publications of the Year 41

Chapter IV. The Year 1806 — Repetitions of “Fidelio”: A Revision of the Book by von Breuning — Changes in the Opera — The “Leonore” Overtures — A Second Failure — Beethoven Withdraws the Opera from the Theatre — Marriage of Karl Kaspar van Beethoven — A Journey to Silesia — Beethoven Leaves Prince Lichnowsky’s Country-seat in Anger — George Thomson and His Scottish Songs — Compositions