[The Forbidden Wilds 03] • An Inevitable War

[The Forbidden Wilds 03] • An Inevitable War
Andrew, Saxon
Saxon Andrew Publishing LLC
science fiction
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From the bestselling author, Saxon Andrew comes the third and final book in the Forbidden Wilds Series. The Galactic Union has allied with the Canis Aliens and is assisting them in moving their populations into the Milky Way. The aggressive civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud currently attacking the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy will soon be turning their full attention to the small galaxy; time is running out until that happens.

The Union knows the LMC Aliens will arrive only to find the civilization in Canis Major is no longer present. They will naturally start searching for them and the most likely place they will start their search will be the Milky Way. That will lead to a confrontation with the Union. The LMC civilization has more giant battleships than the Nebula Aliens the Union just defeated and they’re more advanced technologically.

The Union’s Senior Admirals have started a massive construction program to build up the fleet and there is no doubt that an Inevitable War is coming. Will the Union and Wilds be ready when the giant battleships show up? Alex and Jingle Berringer are commanding the Union's defenses and are unaware of a new alien warship coming to meet them. The Union's newest warships don't match up with them and Alex is going into the LMC to find out what they're up against. He wasn't prepared for what he discovered.

Excerpt from An Inevitable War:

“There’re five more warships moving in on Admiral Wolfe’s trajectory preparing to launch another barrage he can’t avoid!”

Alex turned the ship and went to maximum speed, “Activate the weapons!”

“You’ve been ordered to stay out of combat Alex.”

“We can’t allow them to destroy that Terminator! Activate the weapons!!”

Adam saw the five ships moving in ahead of him and knew there was no way he could avoid the barrage they launched. He shook his head and put his hand on the force field control. Once he turned that on, every missile the battleships had fired would turn and home in on his ship.

Alex roared in on the five giant warships and ordered, “Target each of those warships with two of the new defense missiles!”

“Sir, only eight have been installed on board.”


“Glennon approved the limited number saying you weren’t going to be involved in combat.”

Alex shook his head, “Activate the blaster on its tightest focus and use three reactors to power it. I’m hitting the front warship in the reactor room and hope the scientists are right about it being more powerful than a Terminator’s blaster. Launch now!!”

Alex lined up the front warship and the targeting computer put the cursor over the ship’s reactor room. Alex pressed the firing button and a blinding beam leapt out from his scout and hit the lead warship but not before it launched its entire compliment of missiles. The ship blew up in a series of explosions from the rear to the front of the huge vessel. The missiles it launched detected the blaster beam and all of them turned toward the scout, as Alex activated the force field and turned the ship away. He pushed the thruster handle fully forward but not before the ship was rocked violently from side to side as the missiles homed in and hit the force field. The explosions were massive and the small Warscout lost acceleration.

An Inevitable War is filled with action along with twists and turns that will keep you glued to the story. It is a fitting end to the Forbidden Wilds Saga.