Khrushchev · the man and his era

Khrushchev · the man and his era
Taubman, William
W. W. Norton Company
chruscëv , presidente , biography , política e governo , politics , nikita s , nikita sergeevich , khrushchev , heads of state , 1894-1971 , history
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Maps on lining papers;Includes bibliographical references (p. 793-824) and index;The fall : October 1964 -- Kalinovka's own : 1894-1908 -- Making it as a metalworker : 1908-1917 -- To be or not to be an apparatchik : 1918-1929 -- Stalin's pet : 1929-1937 -- Stalin's viceroy : 1938-1941 -- Khrushchev at war : 1941-1944 -- Ukrainian viceroy again : 1944-1949 -- The heir nonapparent : 1949-1953 -- Almost triumphant : 1953-1955 -- From the secret speech to the Hungarian Revolution : 1956 -- The jaws of victory : 1956-1957 -- The wider world : 1917-1957 -- Alone at the top : 1957-1960 -- The Berlin crisis and the American trip : 1958-1959 -- From the U-2 to the UN shoe : April-September 1960 -- Khrushchev and Kennedy : 1960-1961 -- "A Communist society will be just about built by 1980" : 1961-1962 -- The Cuban cure-all : 1962 -- The unraveling : 1962-1964 -- After the fall : 1964-1971;Drawing on newly opened archives in Russia and Ukraine, Taubman (political science, Amherst College) writes a thorough biography of one of the most complex and important political figures of the 20th century whose life and career spanned revolution, civil war, famine, collectivization, industrialization, terror, world war, the Cold War, Stalinism, and post-Stalinism. Includes two sections of good quality bPulitzer Prize, Biography, 2004

Includes bibliographical references (p. 793-824) and index

The fall : October 1964 -- Kalinovka's own : 1894-1908 -- Making it as a metalworker : 1908-1917 -- To be or not to be an apparatchik : 1918-1929 -- Stalin's pet : 1929-1937 -- Stalin's viceroy : 1938-1941 -- Khrushchev at war : 1941-1944 -- Ukrainian viceroy again : 1944-1949 -- The heir nonapparent : 1949-1953 -- Almost triumphant : 1953-1955 -- From the secret speech to the Hungarian Revolution : 1956 -- The jaws of victory : 1956-1957 -- The wider world : 1917-1957 -- Alone at the top : 1957-1960 -- The Berlin crisis and the American trip : 1958-1959 -- From the U-2 to the UN shoe : April-September 1960 -- Khrushchev and Kennedy : 1960-1961 -- "A Communist society will be just about built by 1980" : 1961-1962 -- The Cuban cure-all : 1962 -- The unraveling : 1962-1964 -- After the fall : 1964-1971

Drawing on newly opened archives in Russia and Ukraine, Taubman (political science, Amherst College) writes a thorough biography of one of the most complex and important political figures of the 20th century whose life and career spanned revolution, civil war, famine, collectivization, industrialization, terror, world war, the Cold War, Stalinism, and post-Stalinism. Includes two sections of good quality b and his awkward efforts to ease the cold war triggered its most dangerous crises.

This is the first comprehensive biography of Khrushchev and the first of any Soviet leader to reflect the full range of sources that have become available since the USSR collapsed. Combining a page-turning historical narrative with penetrating political and psychological analysis, this book brims with the life and excitement of a man whose story personified his era.