Hello World! Second Edition: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners

Hello World! Second Edition: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners
Sande, Warren & Sande, Carter
Manning Publications
reference , python , childrens , programming
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A gentle but thorough introduction to the world of computer programming, it's

written in language a 12-year-old can follow, but anyone who wants to learn

how to program a computer can use it. Even adults. Written by Warren Sande and

his son, Carter, and reviewed by professional educators, this book is kid-

tested and parent-approved.


Learn to talk to your computer in its own language! Whether you want to create

a game, start a business, or solve an important problem, the first step is

learning to write your own programs. Programming is a fun challenge, and it's

easy to get started!

This updated and revised edition of _Hello World!_ introduces the world of

computer programming in a clear and engaging style. Written by Warren Sande

and his son, Carter, it is full of examples that will get you thinking and

learning. Reviewed by professional educators, this book is kid-tested and

parent-approved. You don't need to know anything about programming to use the

book, just the basics of using a computer. If you can start a program and save

a file, you'll be off and running!

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub

formats from Manning Publications.


Explains concepts in clear language Lots of pictures, cartoons, and fun

examples Complete set of practice questions and exercises Illustrated in full


_Hello World!_ uses Python, a programming language designed to be easy to

learn. Using fun examples, it brings to life concepts of computing— looping,

decisions, input and output, data structures, graphics—and many more.


**Warren Sande** is an electronic systems engineer who uses Python both as a

"do anything" scripting language and as a way to teach computers and

programming. **Carter Sande** is a high school student who is passionate about

technology. When he's not fixing his school's network and helping his

classmates recover lost homework, he likes to ride his bike and write retro

video games.


Getting Started Remember This: Memory and Variables Basic Math Types of Data

Input GUIs—Graphical User Interfaces

Decisions, Decisions Loop the Loop Just for You—Comments

Game Time Nested and Variable Loops Collecting Things Together—Lists and


Functions Objects Modules Graphics Sprites and Collision Detection A New Kind

of Input—Events Sound More GUIs Print Formatting and Strings File Input and

Output Take a Chance—Randomness Computer Simulations Skier Explained Python

Battle What's Next?