[Corillion Mates 01] • Corillion Mates · Box Set 1-6

[Corillion Mates 01] • Corillion Mates · Box Set 1-6
Starr, Maia
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***"Captured for another, but this human captive should be his…"* ** *The Corillion are unlike any alien warrior race in the universe. Instead of being born, they are spawned and unless they mate with a human female, they will die. Their need for human females sparks a war between Earth and the strong blue-scaled Corillion warriors that last decades. Through the chaos come experiences of passion and desire that bring human female and Corillion warrior male into unbreakable bonds. They are bonds that not even an intergalactic war can shatter. Follow the adventures of strong women as they fight with, lust after, and encounter the Corillion warriors that make them feel more desirable than ever expected in this sensual hot series!* ***Duron (Corillion Mates #1)* ** ***Captured for another, but this human captive should be his...* ** Duron the alien warrior Commander is loyal to his responsibility; capture human females for high ranking leaders to keep their species alive. While he does not have the rank to claim a human female of his own, he is chosen to guard one named Shia Heton. ***Now, he must restrain himself from taking the female that does not belong to him, or be punished by death.*** Shia Heton was on a science mission to uncover the mysteries of the alien race of the Corillions, who are at war with Earth. But when she is captured, she goes from observing the race to being up close and personal with one of its Commanders, Duron Spaunok. She can’t trust him after his ruthless actions, so why does she find herself staring with desire at his powerful dominating physical features? Why does she want him even more when he reveals the deep dark secret of where the Corillions really came from, and what they need from human females? ***His life is now in her hands, but she must betray her own humankind to do it.*** ***Kai (Corillion Mates #2)* ** ***Karissa is a fugitive. And an alien warrior is the only one that can save her...* ** When Karissa murders the leader of a Corillion tribe in self-defense, she must flee the galaxy, and her abductor Captain Kai Spornium is the only one that can help. As an agent in the Earth Intelligence Agency, Karissa can take care of herself. But when Kai saves her life, he asks her to save his in return. ***But what he asks of her goes against everything she is fighting for, yet it’s everything her body desires.*** Kai is a tall alien warrior three times her size. His long blonde hair and blue eyes match the blue scales that run down the side of his muscular body. He risks everything to get Karissa to safety. ***But when he finally gets a taste of the human female, it not only saves his life, but it changes everything.*** When Kai is captured, he feels as though Karissa has betrayed him and nothing can make him forgive her. ***Until he realizes that they are tied together for life and he must take responsibility for the human female he no longer trust, but can’t resist.*** ***Truo (Corillion Mates #3)* ** ***Vera is a captive. Truo must betray his alien warrior leader to protect her...* ** Vera must obey the ruthless alien leader Cyro or he will kill her husband. She is alone in the alien Corillion galaxy in a fortress on a floating asteroid, but holds on to the hope that she will see her husband again. With no friends to call her own, she can’t help but notice the Corillion that keeps eyeing her, a young warrior named Truo who is second leader in command. ***What he has to tell her is a secret that will shatter her existence and drive her into his arms.*** Truo Seeduon is an alien warrior with many secrets. He is a true and honorable Corillion, but when his leader steps out of line he knows that he must step up and take his place, but doing so is treachery and will result in his death and the death of the human female he has befriended, Vera Rodanthee. ***He must risk his life to protect her and keep his entire tribe from extinction.*** When Vera finds out that Truo has been keeping a secret from her, she no longer trust him, but she has a secret of her own that will cause Cyro to hunt them down or die trying. ***No one is safe.*** ***Jedrian (Corillion Mates #4)* ** ***What’s sexier than an edgy alien warrior? An alien leader that rules an entire planet with hard blue scales, a ripped body, and a touch of danger...* ** Corillion leader Jedrian Glomerorum rules his planet and his tribe that resides on it. His duty? To ensure he and his tribe mate with human females in order to ensure their survival. So when Cultan Krillis offers a deal giving him 25 human female mates in return for a daring mission, Jedrian accepts. Mating with the females will ensure his tribe survives. But when he arrives on earth for the mission, his ship is shot down and he is taken captive. ***But a prison is not his destination, it’s a top secret lab...*** His only hope to get out of captivity is the human female Trish Maxwell. He is drawn to her at first sight. For him, Trish represents hope and desire. ***But he soon finds out that she is the daughter of the mad scientist holding him captive, and she too is studying to be just like her father. ** *Jedrian wants her, but the dangerous way that he uses her in order to escape stops Trish from ever trusting a treacherous alien warrior like him. She will never give him what he really wants, her.*** Now they are forced to rely on each other as they are hunted through the forests of Virginia. ** *But when Jedrian finds out that Trish has been hiding a dark secret of her own, he is the one that can’t trust her. However, it is too late. He is madly in love with her and will die for her, even though her betrayal makes her just as dangerous as her father. Can he forgive her and learn to trust her again as they adventure through the forests on earth?*** Or will they fail and Jedrian will be re-captured and killed, ensuring the death of his tribe on his planet? ** **** Viqer (Corillion Mates #5)* ** She thought she was the unattractive one among her friends. S ***o why is this alien warrior willing to risk it all for her? ** *Saramina lives a stressful life as a social worker surrounded by her gorgeous friends that make her feel unattractive. When she is abducted by an alien race of warriors, she fights for her freedom.*** That freedom comes with a cost putting her life on the line and the only one that can help her is the attractive warrior sent to kill her. ** *Viqer is a loyal and undefeated Corillion warrior that loves a good hunting mission, but when he is sent to kill the female assassin that killed his leader his loyalty is put the test. After convincing himself that he can mate with his new prisoner if he wants to just for fun, he becomes locked in a battle between loyalty and desire.*** Will he deliver her to her death? ** **** Or will he realize that he has met his true match?* ** ***Zian (Corillion Mates #6)* ** ***The enemy took her because she was a leader of earth. But how can the alien warrior leader of her great enemy have such an affect on her?* ** Director of the earth council embassy Lily Retron has one mission, defeat the alien race of Corillion. But when her team intercepts an alien transmission countdown, she knows earth’s time is up and a Corillion plan is on the horizon. ***But she never expected this big plan to include her abduction by the great warrior leader of the Corillion Zian Crace, and her vital role in the Corillion conquering of earth.*** Zian Crace the great warrior leader of the Corillion is tired of the way the High Council has danced around taking human females from earth as mates and the long slow war it has caused. His plan to take a mother ship the size of a state filled with warriors and a secret weapon is the perfect solution, it only needs one thing, Lily Retron. She is the key to him taking over the earth, but he wasn’t planning on her being the key to his heart. ***Will he continue his plan to invade earth?*** ***Or will he be seduced into peace with earth by the human female?* **