Clean Break · How to Divorce With Dignity and Move on With Your Life

Clean Break · How to Divorce With Dignity and Move on With Your Life
Stewart, Karen
John Wiley & Sons
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"When it comes to divorce, there's the old way- and there's the fair way. I know, because I learned the hard way."

--Karen StewartDivorce is costly. It costs money-masses of your money. It costs time-hours and hours spent in meetings, on the telephone, and completing paperwork and depositions and filing affidavits. It costs heartache as battle lines are drawn and loved ones, especially children, suffer emotional pain.

Karen Stewart's own harrowing story of divorce is an unqualified testament to these truths. Her experience led her to believe that there had to be a better way to end a marriage and get on with life. Her ideas and vision evolved into Fairway Divorce Solutions, which provides a model for divorce with dignity and an end to traditional divorce. the Fairway Process Offers: a strategic step-by-step process that brings win-win resolutions regarding children, property, and moneya decision-making process that leads to consensus and fair outcomesa focus on the children of the marriagea plan to control costs that can often escalate out of control in typical divorce proceedingsa process that rejects blame or victimizationa focus on the future that has a well-thought-out plan for parenting and finances.More and more Canadians are turning to this new divorce approach to help them transition to new beginnings. If you are facing the reality of divorce, you owe it to yourself, our chi8ldren, and your bank account to read a book that offers promise, not dread, and calm instead of a storm.

"This Practical step-by-step process will not only save considerable time, energy and money, but most of all it will provide a clear path for a hopeful future."

--Les Hewitt