Chasing My Sunshine

Chasing My Sunshine
Nicole Vidal
Nicole Vidal
single dad , landscaper , preteen daughter , boss babe
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Ive given up on dating. Who would want a single dad with a difficult ex-wife?One coffee cup mix-up and I have a date for the first time in three years.

Francesca Cappelli is smart and runs a successful business in a male-dominated field. Shes unlike anyone Ive ever met. Is a woman like her willing to take a chance on me and my pre-teen daughter? Once things start to look up, my ex-wife announces she is moving and plans to take my daughter with her. What woman would sign up for my drama willingly? Francesca Cappelli and no one else.

The York Beach series featuring the Cappelli Family are standalone romances with interconnecting characters. Each novel focuses on one couple (no cliffhangers!) and can be read in any order, but but for maximum enjoyment it is recommended they are read starting with book one.