Arguments for Atheists · Secular Reasoning in the 21st Century

Arguments for Atheists · Secular Reasoning in the 21st Century
Wilks, Jason
Amazon Digital Services
two hours or more (65-100 pages) , agnosticism , religion & spirituality , atheism
0.11 MB
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From Amazon: Where does our morality come from?

Is atheism a religion?

What evidence is there for the human soul?

Is faith actually a good thing?

All of these questions and more are met head on in this collection of arguments an atheist can use in any discussion about religion. Matters of morality, science and history are all explored from an atheist's perspective, supporting the position that in this day and age, religious belief is simply no longer a reasonable worldview.

From logical standpoints to examination of specific biblical passages, "Arguments for Atheists" can provide any non-believer with strong arguments to back up their position, and help a believer to better understand why atheists hold the opinions they do.