Alfred Hitchcock Tales of Terror: 58 Short Stories Chosen by the Master of Suspense (1986)

Alfred Hitchcock Tales of Terror: 58 Short Stories Chosen by the Master of Suspense (1986)
Eleanor Sullivan
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Be afraid—be very afraid: the master of suspense is serving up 58 bloodcurdling tales for your delectation. These suspenseful stories all appeared in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, and in the words of Hitch himself, they “are guaranteed to chill and unnerve.” Bill Pronzini contributes “The Arrowmont Prison Riddle,” Margaret B. Maron has “A Very Special Talent,” Barry M. Malzberg offers “A Home Away from Home,” and Patricia Matthews chronicles “The Fall of Dr. Scourby.” Meet a girl who stalks Jack the Ripper, a clairvoyant writer of newspaper obituaries, a homicidal partygoer in a sanatorium, and a police detective who lives vicariously through the exploits of one of his most notorious suspects: they all populate these frightening pages. Caution: not recommended for late-night reading—except for the very brave!Includes the following 58 stories:NEDRA TYRE - Killed by KindnessJOHN F. SUTER - Just a Minor OffenseROBERT BLOCH - A Home Away from HomeJOSEPH PAYNE BRENNAN - Death of a DerelictBILL PRONZINI - The Arrowmont Prison RiddleLAWRENCE BLOCK - The Dettweiler SolutionVINCENT McCONNOR - The Whitechapel WantonsISAK ROMUN - Cora’s RaidNELSON DeMILLE - Life or BreathWILLIAM BRITTAIN - A Private Little WarJOHN LUTZ - Have You Ever Seen This Woman?BRIAN GARFIELD - Joe Cutter’s GameJOHN COYNE - A Cabin in the WoodsEDWARD WELLEN - The Long Arm of El JefeJACK RITCHIE - Kid CardulaJAMES HOLDING - Career ManLIBBY MacCALL - The Perfidy of Professor BlakeHENRY SLESAR - Sea ChangeDONALD OLSON - The Blue TambourineWILLIAM P. McGIVERN - Graveyard ShiftBORDEN DEAL - A Bottle of WineDONALD HONIG - Man Bites DogMICHAEL ZUROY - Never Trust an AncestorEDWARD D. HOCH - Another WarALICE SCANLAN REACH - Sparrow on a StringCLAYTON MATTHEWS - The Missing TattooPATRICIA MATTHEWS - The Fall of Dr. ScourbySTEPHEN WASYLYK - The Loose EndFRANK SISK - That So-Called LaughMARGARET B. MARON - A Very Special TalentBETTY REN WRIGHT - The JokerHELEN NIELSEN - The Very Hard SellRON GOULART - The Tin EarCHARLOTTE EDWARDS - The Time Before the CrimeBARRY N. MALZBERG - After the Unfortunate AccidentPATRICK O’KEEFE - The Grateful ThiefTALMAGE POWELL - The InspirationROBERT COLBY - Death Is a Lonely LoverFLETCHER FLORA - The Witness Was a LadyPAULINE C. SMITH - Scheme for DestructionMARY BRAUND - To the Manner BornRICHARD O. LEWIS - Black DisasterHAL ELLSON - The Marrow of JusticeIRVING SCHIFFER - Innocent WitnessSAMUEL W. TAYLOR - We’re Really Not That Kind of PeopleHAROLD Q. MASUR - Pocket EvidenceS. S. RAFFERTY - The Death DeskAL NUSSBAUM - A Left-Handed ProfessionTHEODORE MATHIESON - Second SpringARTHUR PORGES - Bank NightBRYCE WALTON - The Contagious KillerGARY BRANDNER - Bad ActorMICHAEL BRETT - Free Advice, IncorporatedJAMES M. GILMORE - The Real CriminalWILLIAM DOLAN - The Hard SellBOB BRISTOW - The Prosperous JuddsROBERT W. ALEXANDER - The Dead IndianAUGUST DERLETH - The China Cottage