World Builder's Handbook

World Builder's Handbook
Keith, Andrew & Thomas, Gary L. & Fugate, Joe D. & Keith, J. Andrew & Caswell, Rob
Digest Group Publications
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"Contents include— Survey Procedures: Procedures used by the Scouts to survey and explore worlds. Survey equipment: Thirty pages of detailed equipment sheets for players to use on survey and exploration missions. Includes sensors, personal-assist hardware, clothing and protective gear, vehicles, and complete plans of the Donosev Survey Starship used by the Scouts. Sensor Readout Panel- Comprehensive sensor readout panel for use with all manner of sensory equipment, from lowly handheld sensors all the way to powerful starship sensor arrays. Extensive World Building Section: Detail your worlds to a level of detail you never thought possible. Create new environments with exotic alien cultures. Includes rules for detailing not only Terran-like worlds, but also more unusual locations such as: - Asteroid Worlds - Gas Giants - Tidally-Locked Worlds Mapping a World: Guidelines on how to properly map the world you have built."