Never Do a Wrong Thing

Never Do a Wrong Thing

**Coming out is hard enough on its own, but when you have a crush on your best buddy, things get *really* complicated.**

Best friends since kindergarten, best friends forever. That was the plan. High school sophomores Tim and Tom know everything there is to know about each other … or at least they should, but Tim has a secret that could change everything he doesn’t want to see changed.

Tim is gay and almost ready to be out and proud. Tom is already proud—a proud homophobe, that is.

As if the stakes were not high enough already, things get even more complicated when Tom talks his friend into double-dating a pair of girls. But sometimes unwanted challenges offer unexpected opportunities, and after the most embarrassing night of his life, Tim knows he can no longer avoid the inevitable. The question is, how will his best friend take it?

From the author of *Cupid Painted Blind* comes a captivating new Young Adult LGBTQ novel that provides insight into the conflicted soul of a teenage boy who finds himself torn between honesty and friendship.

**Download your copy now.**