[Horrorgeschichten 03] • Black Hounds of Death

[Horrorgeschichten 03] • Black Hounds of Death

The definitive 10-volume set of Robert E. Howard's weird fiction and poetry (with all texts meticulously restored to the original versions as published in Weird Tales and other magazines) continues with volume 9! This collection of classic Howard fiction and poetry begins with the story "Black Canaan" and includes "Always Comes Evening," "Red Nails," "Solomon Kane’s Homecoming," "Black Hound of Death," "The Fire of Asshurbanipal," "Dig Me No Grave," "The Soul-Eater," "The Dream and the Shadow," "Which Will Scarcely Be Understood," "Futility," "Fragment," "Haunting Columns," "The Poets," and "The Singer in the Mist." Introduction, by Mark Finn. Cover by Stephen Fabian.