[Rx: A Tale of Electronegativity 01] • The Blackouts

[Rx: A Tale of Electronegativity 01] • The Blackouts
Brockway, Robert
Brockwar Press: The Fightin'est Press in the West
time travel , science fiction , science , drugs , dystopian , fantasy , humour
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Red is a user. Red is a pusher. Red is a drug addict.

And that’s not a problem.

Everybody in the Four Posts is nursing an addiction to something. In fact, their entire economy is based on the ‘feed: An officially sanctioned, omnipresent drug delivery system with terminals in every home. Red’s talent for mixing new and interesting narcotic concoctions isn’t an issue, but the fact that he accidentally ran while testing an expensive new prototype just might be. Now, with the help of QC, a walking nanotech factory, and Byron, an upper-class slacker literally addicted to the past, Red has to figure out what the strange experimental drug is doing to his mind before the sinister, faceless recovery agents tear him apart.

That is, if his frightening and increasingly real hallucinations don’t do it first.