The Inn of Destiny

The Inn of Destiny
Abel, Gene P.
Indigo River Publishing
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Jackie an attractive young housewife who seeks to reenergize her sex life with her husband Jerry sets up a romantic weekend at an Inn in the Poconos' Mountains in Pennsylvania. During that weekend they both have a series of very intense dreams. Jackie about her sex life and Jerry about future events in the Middle East that involve international incidents that impact oil prices and the Financial Markets.

Upon the couples return to Princeton, the events in their dreams start to unfold and become reality. The book describes these events and how they dramatically change the lives of this couple and their close friends.

The Inn of Destiny is a salacious romance novel with a touch of the supernatural that impacts the lives for evermore of this young couple and their closest friends. The sex is titillating and the plot in the Middle East is as current as today.