[Gutenberg 20628] • Torchy and Vee

[Gutenberg 20628] • Torchy and Vee

Sewell Ford was an American author, who is best remembered for his "Torchy" and "Shorty McCabe" stories, was born on 07 March, 1868. Sewell Ford died on 26 October, 1946, at Keene, New Hampshire.

This edition comes with 12 books, best quality 50 illustrations and active table of contents. This is very high-quality kindle edition.

Included Works:

Odd Numbers

On With Torchy

Shorty Mccabe

Shorty Mccabe On The Job

Side-Stepping With Shorty


Torchy And Vee

Torchy As A Pa

Torchy, Private Sec.

Wilt Thou Torchy

Horses Nine

The House Of Torchy