Big Sky Love

Big Sky Love

Seven men, condemned by a witch for hurting the woman they loved. Only another witch can help them find redemption.

Charles de Witt is the next to be chosen by the pendant and he finds himself in a small town in the Wild West. It is unlike his own time, but he is determined to make a go of saving himself, no matter who the pendant chooses for him.

That choice turns out to be a petite, red-haired spitfire, so different from the women he prefers he knows it will never work.

Kate Maguire can hardly believe her eyes when she first sees Charles dressed in a lavender velvet jacket, as out of place in Starwood, Montana as a pig at a tea party.

But behind the dandy is a man with skill, and a surprisingly good heart.

The more time Charles spends with Kate, the more he wants to be part of her life. But that will be up to her.

When the unexplained accidents on her ranch become more dangerous, Charles turns from...