[Gutenberg 49704] • Protection from Fire and Thieves / Including the construction of locks, safes, strong-rooms, and fireproof buildings; burglary, and the means of preventing it; fire, its detection, prevention, and extinction; etc.

[Gutenberg 49704] • Protection from Fire and Thieves / Including the construction of locks, safes, strong-rooms, and fireproof buildings; burglary, and the means of preventing it; fire, its detection, prevention, and extinction; etc.
Chubb, George Hayter
burglary , fireproof , fires , safes , locks and keys , building
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A small book, embracing such subjects as herein treated of, is necessarily somewhat disconnected in its character. In endeavouring to be strictly practical, I fear I have made some portions of the book uninteresting to the general reader; if so, it must be remembered that my chief aim has been to place certain facts before professional and business men, at the same time introducing matter that may be useful to everyone.