War for the 1% or Peace for the 99%? · Are the Deep State & Zionism Done For? (Trump Revolution Book 15)

War for the 1% or Peace for the 99%? · Are the Deep State & Zionism Done For? (Trump Revolution Book 15)
Vivas, Robert David STEELE
Earth Intelligence Network
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This is a collection of very recent articles about war and peace rooted in the battle between Donald Trump and the Deep State, as published in the American Herald Tribune. 43 pages in length it offers four articles by the author and two interviews of the author with seven pages of endnotes, each endnote linked to a source.

The good news up front: our legitimately-elected President Donald Trump appears to have formed a strategic understanding with President Vladimir Putin of Russia and General Secretary Xi Jinping to the point that a summit with North Korea will take that potential war off the table, at the same time that there will be a radical shift in the Middle East that puts Israel back in its box, stops subsidizing the Saudis, and pays due respect to Turkey and Iran (respectively, the inheritors of the Ottoman and Persian Empires). We are looking at a Global Re-Set.

The first (most recent) article outlines seven possibilities helpful to achieving peace for the 99% and ending forever more the treatment of war as a profit center for the 1%.

The second article provides a public tutorial on what a Grand Strategy is, what an American grand strategy might look like, and how quickly we can radically reduce what we spend on a failed military while bringing our troops home and both creating a proper military based at home at half price (without the 50% waste), and Make America Great Agein.

The third article analyzes Las Vegas as a False Flag operation carried out by rogue elements of the CIA and the FBI in total collaboration with Zionists both at home and abroad.

The fourth article provides a very troubling side by side comparison of the words of Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. Written before Las Vegas, this article can now be interpreted against the possibility that Donald Trump is a grand master of strategic deception, and has been playing the Zionists along until he could get to this month and next for the Global Re-Set.

The fifth article, an interview of the author, discusses t he False Flag attack carried out in Syria by the White Helmets at the instigation, according to an inside source, of John McCain, John Brennan, and Herbert McMaster. Funded jointly by Israel and Saudi Arabia, it was intended to deceive our President into introducing 150,000 US ground troops into Syria.

The sixth article, also an interview with the author, provided an overview of forty years effort that led to the author's being recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017 -- the most sensational part of that interview is the author's statement that our 1,000 military bases overseas do nothing for national defense -- they are instead lily pads for the smuggling of drugs, cash, gold, guns, and small children -- closing all 1,000 of these bases, and cutting the CIA by 70% and the US military by 50%, would be an excellent initiative toward world peace and would actually strengthen America the Beautiful.