The Seven Spirits

The Seven Spirits
Clark, Will
Will Clark
apocalypse , christians , muslims , radical islam , seven spirits of god , revelation , terrorism
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This book could be sub-titled: Who are the Two Women Described in the Book of Revelation? Those two women represent two religions.

What is the purpose for the Bible’s Book of Revelation? The purpose is three-fold. First, is to warn Christians and others who worship God to ‘Hold fast’ because there will be many trials and tribulations to challenge their beliefs - and to threaten their lives. It reveals that many believers will be intimidated and even killed if they cling to their worship. That phase has already begun; and is fast accelerating - all over the world; even here in America under an insidious one-sided war labeled the ‘Silent Jihad.’.

Second, is to warn those who follow Satan that there will be plagues and wars to get their attention to turn from their evil ways - to turn them from worshiping the ‘Dragon.’ Revelation also identifies that religion, ‘the Great Whore that sitteth upon many waters; with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication.’

That ‘Antichrist’ religion is clearly defined in Chapter 17, Verse 6: “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” In Revelation, the Antichrist is described as the ‘beast.’ The term ‘saints’ in Revelation is not referring to appointed saints, but those who hold fast to the Christian religion. Consider the religion that slaughters Christians and other innocents today - now - in the name of their religion. Only political correctness, and perhaps something more sinister, protects that religion, that war, from being openly exposed here in America.

Third, is to offer hope for those who ‘Hold fast’ and do not turn from their worship of God and His Son. Revelation offers the Seven Spirits of God that will help those maintain their devotion through these perilous times; and to reveal the great blessing to be received at the end of the great tribulation by those who ‘Hold fast.’ This book helps understand those Seven Spirits.