[Gutenberg 48483] • A Life for a Life, Volume 3 (of 3)

[Gutenberg 48483] • A Life for a Life, Volume 3 (of 3)
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock
OTB eBook publishing
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Excerpt: “I am not, the least in the world which I would fain have explained, only mere friends can never understand the ins and outs of a family. If I offered to assist her in the house, how Penelope would stare Or even in her schools and parish--but that I cannot do. Teaching is to me perfectly intolerable. The moment I have to face two dozen pairs of round eyes, every particle of sense takes flight, and I become the veriest of cowards, ready to sink through the floor. The same, too, in district visiting. What business have I, because I happen to be the clergyman's daughter, to go lifting the latch, and poking about poor people's houses, obliging them to drop me curtseys, and receive civilly my tracts and advice--which they neither read nor follow, and might be none the better for it if they did.”