[Blackthorne, Inc. 06] • Windswept Danger

[Blackthorne, Inc. 06] • Windswept Danger
Odell, Terry
Terry Odell
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The Stepford Wives meet Hotel California

Can a feisty secu­rity agent who hates tak­ing orders and a covert ops spe­cial­ist who has some­thing to prove, put aside their own dif­fer­ences and their own agen­das long enough to uncover the secrets of Windswept Heights?

Black­thorne, Inc. medic Glenn “Hot­shot” McCade itches to get away from what he con­sid­ers milk run assign­ments after being injured on a pre­vi­ous op. Does the boss think Hot­shot can’t pull his weight on a real mis­sion any­more? What are a few night­mares? Noth­ing he can’t han­dle. Aches and pains? He’s had worse. When he’s given an “eyes-on” only mis­sion, and paired with a woman—a part-timer who works Secu­rity, not Covert Ops—he wor­ries that his future with Black­thorne, Inc. is on the line. Is she there to eval­u­ate his per­for­mance? The mis­sion? Sim­ple. Locate a woman, believed to be at a super-private com­pound for the rich and famous, and report back. Noth­ing more. His cover? Pre­tend to be a filthy-rich, arro­gant adven­turer and infil­trate the com­pound. But inside the mys­te­ri­ous Windswept Heights, he finds a lot more than his tar­get. Should he stick to the rules, or fol­low his gut?

Olivia Fair­banks is con­tent with her two part-time jobs. She’s a Physician’s Assis­tant in an all-female prac­tice, and works Secu­rity for Black­thorne, Inc. After grow­ing up forced to believe her only func­tion in life is to be the sub­servient wife of a rancher or farmer, she’s finally rec­og­nized she’s any man’s equal. When Mr. Black­thorne sum­mons her for a new assign­ment, she’s sur­prised to find it’s a Covert Ops job, albeit a sim­ple one. Her role is to mas­quer­ade as an assis­tant to one of the Black­thorne Covert Ops team mem­bers, but she reminds her­self that she’s second-fiddle to him only for the pur­pose of this assign­ment. It’s her cover, not her life. Still, old feel­ings of resent­ment and inad­e­quacy sur­face. Before long, their sim­ple mis­sion turns into some­thing far more com­plex, and with much dead­lier con­se­quences. Will she con­vince Hot­shot McCade to accept her as his part­ner? And can she deal with the roman­tic feel­ings spring­ing up between them?

Watch as things heat up in this sixth book in Terry Odell’s pop­u­lar Black­thorne, Inc. action adven­ture romance series. Hot­shot, the team medic, is paired with Olivia, whom read­ers might remem­ber from Dan­ger in Deer Ridge. The action will leave you as breath­less as the high-altitude Rocky Moun­tain set­ting.