[Bend-Bite-Shift 13] • End of Magic (Next Gen Season 1 · Episode 4)

[Bend-Bite-Shift 13] • End of Magic (Next Gen Season 1 · Episode 4)
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Since the destruction of the Org and the end of the fae revolution, life for paranormals has slowly found a sense of balance. But the rise of Magia Nera is creating a shift, and the unbinding of one magic might spell disaster for both the human and faery realms.

Sweet and angelic, Nona has always been special. Her powers as a souler were decided even before they fully manifested. As a child supplicant to the Org, she'd suffered a fractured childhood. But thanks to Belle and Roon, her adopted parents, she and her siblings discovered a loving home, and Nona found an existence devoid of any pain at all.

Kenyon is a new vampire, born into the dark world of Magia Nera. His last memory is a blow to the head that stole all memories of the life he had before the change. A prisoner to a cult growing in power, Kenyon is resigned to his fate until he lays eyes on the mysterious fae princess, Nona. She’s a vision of beauty and innocence, and he can’t help coveting her for his own.

As Kenyon and Nona discover a forbidden love, it becomes clear that something hidden is churning within her. Will the toll paid for their romance suck them both into the darkness forever?