[Mail Order Brides of Wichita Falls 06] • Rebecca

[Mail Order Brides of Wichita Falls 06] • Rebecca

** Another one of Cyndi Raye's heartwarming, Women's Fiction Mail Order Bride short stories .**

There's a new Sheriff in town!

Sheriff Jackson Montana made a deal with the town of Wichita Falls to rescue a lost mail order bride.

Then marry her.

He would never agree to such nonsense except for the fact he knew Becky many years ago. Was he willing to take a chance on his former best friend?

A terrible ordeal has Rebecca running for her life! Then a stranger comes to her rescue! Turns out, he was no stranger at all.

Rebecca Williams knew the Sheriff as an orphan in New York before he was taken away on the mercy train. Now, she has a chance to marry her best friend and start a life with the only person who ever seemed to care. But will their friendship and love outlast the villain who wants to do her harm?

Will the Sheriff be able to save her in time or is he putting himself and the whole town of Wichita Falls in harm's way?

Wichita Falls is a small, United States American short story set in a western frontier town on the Texas prairie. Enjoy these mail order bride short-reads as each event brings another character to the Wichita Falls, helping it to grow into one of the finest western towns of all times filled with romance and love.