Broken Vows

Broken Vows

Jill and Josh Grayson were a golden couple, marrying young and launching their careers. Recognition in their fields came fast and easy in the early years of their lives together. They were living their dreams. They believed the foundation of their marriage was solid enough to survive, as long as they had each other. After all, who knew the economy was going to go into recession?As their family grows, life events are turning their golden glow into a fading dull reality of lost jobs, bills, and family interference; all of which are tearing them apart. When the horrible word 'divorce' is mentioned, Jenny realizes she is risking the loss of her husband and children while trying to maintain a lifestyle that they can no longer afford. Is it too late to recover what is really important? Can she recapture the love of her husband and keep her marriage together, even if it means taking a step back in time when she looked to Josh for love, guidance, and discipline?Josh has been suppressing his formerly dominant role in their marriage as job responsibilities have nearly destroyed him with disappointment and disillusionment. He realizes that, by neglecting his role as the leader of his family, he has damaged what means the most to him, his marriage and his family.To save their marriage, Jenny and Josh take a giant leap of faith in each other. They cast off most of their material belongings and refocus on what means the most to them. Striving for a better relationship, and to keep their marriage intact, they move across the country to restart their lives anew.Only one small detail might derail their efforts: Josh is keeping a secret when their new beginning was supposed to be based on total honesty...