The World of Rome · the History of the Roman Empire From 133BC to AD217

The World of Rome · the History of the Roman Empire From 133BC to AD217
Grant, Michael
ancient , history , general , rome
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The Romans changed the world. Here is the empire of Rome and the Romans in all their magnificence and their corruption; the republic, the dictators and the slaves; the civilization and the Pax Romana, the brutality and the collapse. This volume in the History of Civilization series deals with Rome at the time of her unequalled power from 133 BC to AD 217, when she achieved domination of the then known world. Michael Grant has brought together all the diverse accomplishments of the Roman people that he considers fundamental to our understanding of Rome???s dominant role in the evolution of out modern western and near-eastern world. He assumes in his readers no special knowledge of ancient languages or of history as he paints this absorbing picture, sketching in the historical background, then turning to Rome???s astounding achievements and inherent weaknesses. Michael Grant contrasts the exalted lives of the Emperors with the desperate slave revolts, the bloodthirsty horrors of the arena with the romantic delicacy of Roman landscape painting to great effect.