[The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy 02] • Ivy Introspective (The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy Book 2)

[The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy 02] • Ivy Introspective (The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy Book 2)
Roth, Kellyn
Wild Blue Wonder Press
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Ivy Knight lives her life in a blur of confusion as the world passes her by in a tumultuous melody. She isn't the perfect daughter or student, but as long as she can be with her family, she doesn't mind watching rather than living.* Mrs. Chattoway treasures both of her granddaughters now that they're reunited. When Ivy's parents enroll her in a Scottish school for unique children, she's happy to chaperone. In a new place with a new guardian, Ivy discovers a special talent that helps her see the blurred world in a new way. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and Ivy becomes determined to find it-and help others do the same. Ivy Introspective is book 2 in The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, a Victorian family saga. *