[Def-Con City 01] • The Amsterdam Chronicles

[Def-Con City 01] • The Amsterdam Chronicles

New York Homicide Detective Harvey Wall volunteers for a 6 month exchange program to the Dutch police in Amsterdam. Six months’ vacation with full pay and lots of fun – that was the idea. The fun starts at Schiphol airport when Harvey Wall avoids too incompetent detectives who are there to pick him up from his flight from New York. He heads for Dam Square - the city centre of Amsterdam, and within a couple of hours he is witness to a robbery at a pizza restaurant. With only a tie-wraps and post-it notes in his pockets he decides to go after the thieves. His first day in Amsterdam is a total success, and he falls in love with the city. After a brief meeting with his new chief, Harry Ribb, he realises that this city with no more than 10 to 15 murders a year, the homicide division has little to do – so let his holiday begin right now. But, after a week of free time to get over his jet-lag, all hell breaks loose on his first day at the station. A couple of murders have been committed that shake Harvey Wall to the bone. He thought he had seen every type of homicide and crime in New York – but he had never seen anything like this! The nightmare begins!