[Nice Girl Does Noir #1e 01] • The Murder of Katie Boyle

[Nice Girl Does Noir #1e 01] • The Murder of Katie Boyle
Hellmann, Libby Fischer
The Red Herrings Press
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My two series protagonists, video producer Ellie Foreman and PI Georgia Davis, are very different people, but I love them both. They worked together in DOUBLEBACK (2009), but I'm often asked how they originally met. Georgia made an appearance in A PICTURE OF GUILT, and then more substantively in AN IMAGE OF DEATH when she was still a cop, but they already had a passing acquaintance. How they met is explained in this short story, written and published in 2009. The story was published in a limited numbered edition and can also be found in print and on audio in my short story collection, NICE GIRL DOES NOIR.