Rasputin's Legacy

Rasputin's Legacy
Jackson, Lee
Stonewall Publishers, LLC
spy , espionage , thriller , action , nuclear , america , russia , soviet union , rasputin , historical
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When Ronald Reagan asks covert operator and West Point graduate Atcho to execute an impossible assignment, he finds himself on a deadly mission deep in Siberia with no support. His foe is a Soviet general bent on gaining control of the USSR's nuclear weaponry. At the back of Atcho's mind is that the country he is sent to save is the same Superpower that helped enslave Cuba, his beloved birthplace. 

Out of the gloom surrounding the murders of the brooding mystic Rasputin and the Russian royal family, emerges the evil that survived World War II. It fomented the Cold War and propelled their effects into the modern age on a global scale. Atcho must avert their horrors, yet to be imagined. Will he be able to set aside his personal feelings and help save not only his adopted country, but the world?

**PRE-ORDER PURCHASERS WILL RECEIVE THE FOLLOWING BONUSES, FREE:****** **Bonus 1: THE STORY BEHIND ATCHO** **Bonus 2: SMACK DOWN - A Work In Progress** **Bonus 3: ALEKSEY'S ACCOUNT OF RASPUTIN'S MURDER** **Bonus 4: A Complimentary eBook of CURSE THE MOON. (To receive your eBook, Curse The Moon, send a copy of your purchase receipt of Rasputin's Legacy to: **getdigitalcursethemoon@ gmail.com **)**