[Junie B. Jones 20] • Junie B. Jones 20 · First Grader · Toothless Wonder

[Junie B. Jones 20] • Junie B. Jones 20 · First Grader · Toothless Wonder
Park, Barbara
Random House Books for Young Readers
humour , children 7-9 , childrens
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The Barnes Noble Review

Holy molar! Everybody's favorite first-grader is back again, and this time, she has a big gap to contend with -- a hole where her tooth used to be.

At first, Junie B. Jones is thrilled to have a loose tooth -- it means she's turning into a "big kid," and she'll be the first one in Room One to lose one of her top baby teeth. But when Herb tells her about his "toothless Uncle Lou," an alarmed Junie B. soon tries to get her tooth to stop wiggling -- until Grandpa Miller accidentally helps it pop out. Complete with a new smile that she begins to appreciate, Junie B. then confesses to her parents that she knows the real story behind the Tooth Fairy -- she's really a brush-riding Tooth Witch that eats "tooth apples" -- and she won't leave her tooth under her pillow. Mom and Dad try to discourage this theory, but Junie gets her class involved, and they all begin wondering about the Tooth Fairy's real motives for collecting teeth. Yet just when Junie thinks she has it all figured out and leaves her tooth out for the night, an unexpected surprise winds up answering her Tooth Fairy questions and making her extra-excited.

It's about time Junie B. lost a tooth, and fans will love it! Addressing all the questions that plague kids about losing that first tooth, Junie B. handles her situation with humor and smart thinking that will have readers nodding in agreement. A high-spirited installment sure to satisfy hankerings for this feisty first-grader, Toothless Wonder will have fans cheering and chomping at the bit for more. Matt Warner