101 Gag Ideas · Companion to the One Minute Caricature

101 Gag Ideas · Companion to the One Minute Caricature
Keyl, James van der
Jim vanderkeyl Productions
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Coming up with gag ideas for caricatures can be a nerve wracking experience. That is why this book was created - to aid you with ideas so that you do not have to go through that kind of ordeal.

There are, literally infinite amounts of gag ideas that you can create. What I have compiled here are 100 or so drawings that you, the caricaturist, can refer to and use as a beginning arsenal of ideas. Mix and match bodies, signs, thought bubbles to the drawings and memorize them.. Pretty soon you get the idea of how to put together a gag that will make your customer delight with laughter at himself and/or his friends. This book is a compilation of ideas and not a how to draw bodies book.. That is covered in the video, the One Minute Caricature.

Watch the money flow into your hands when you use this as part of your caricature workflow at parties, conventions and theme parks. Order today and get started in enhancing your caricature repertoire.