[The Every Man 01] • Every Woman's Marriage

[The Every Man 01] • Every Woman's Marriage
Ethridge, Shannon
Waterbrook Press
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Set Your Husband's Heart Ablaze

Are you a "desperate housewife," committed to marriage yet longing for a deeper, more intimate connection withyour husband? Believe it or not, you "can" have the marriage you long for-if you're willing to take desperate measures.

If you're ready to stop the blamegame and pursue the marriage of your dreams, let authors Shannon and Greg Ethridge show you how to reignite your relationship with spiritual, emotional, and physical passion. Drawing on real-life stories from both men andwomen, as well as lessons from their own less-than-satisfying early years of marriage, they offer penetrating insights about what it takes to nurture a dynamic marriage, including...

-what makes a husband's heart grow cold-and how you can fan the embers into flame

-the difference between being"right" and being "righteous"

-how to fight fair

-how to guard your heart against unhealthy comparisons

-the dynamic power ofgetting spiritually and emotionally naked

-what your husband really wants most (It's not what you think )

"Every Woman's Marriage" will give youpractical tools and wise biblical counsel for transforming a listless marriage into a vibrant, exciting relationship. Get ready to set your husband's heart ablaze "From theTrade Paperback edition."