[Hollywood's Darkest Secret 01] • Sugar Valley

[Hollywood's Darkest Secret 01] • Sugar Valley
Salamon, Stephen Andrew
Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
hope , hollywood , famous , karma , struggle , conspiracy , friendship , movie star , nightmare , contemporary , thriller
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Librarian Notes: this is an alternate cover edition ASIN B00N85YURI.

Instant Amazon Bestseller! Even Movie Stars Have Incredible Secrets.

This is the one that got out!

When Damen Shultz flew home with a bloodstain on his shirt, and an Oscar in his hand, only he could tell of the horror he saw that the bloodstain begged for him to say. Anything could be covered up. It was just a simple dream. (I want to be famous)

But a deadly massacre would be the price.

Remember... Chase Your Dreams... And Others Will Chase You. But NEVER Back Down.





And... reality.

˃˃˃ Names can be changed. Events altered. Fact gently erased for fiction to take its place.

When a farm boy from Mississippi, Damen Schultz, decides to embark on a journey with his best friends, Jose and Darell, to make their dream of becoming famous movie stars come true, they leave more behind than their families and the Valley they grew up in; their innocence.

What happens on this journey will be a pivotal point that changes Damen’s life forever.

Remembering their secret spot called 'Sugar Valley', a place where their dreams began, they arrive in Hollywood and fight for fame, each in their different ways. The different paths they choose cause them to be hunted by the rich and powerful, entwining and manipulating them as they fight to keep their purity that their Valley once gave them. Only one will attain the coveted Oscar trophy and return to Sugar Valley to tell about the horrors they went through. Will they become famous movie stars? Fame and fortune, wealth and power, come with more than a price. And in the end, they learn that this was only the beginning of a story that the business never wanted to get out. All they knew of was a Valley they called 'Sugar' that they fought to leave to attain their desires. And now, all they want to do is return to it, for what they had all along with Sugar Valley was the greatest dream of all; harmony.

How far will they go? Is FAME worth it? These answers are given. A normal life is slow for some, but the life of fame, somehow, speeds it up!

˃˃˃ The Wolves Are Preying On The Lambs

What Damen didn't realize was the valley he grew up near, a place where his dream began, perhaps had a godly connection to the heavens above.

Pawns to the industry, Damen and his friends quickly achieve the fame they dreamt of, but are only hunted by the rich and powerful. At last, the bloodstain was created. Each of them choose different paths to achieve the fame they yearned for, buy the easy and sinful paths collide. Which path would you choose?

STAND BY ME meets VALLEY OF THE DOLLS with a spice of BRIGHT LIGHTS, BIG CITY comes a longing adventure that puts the bond of innocence to the test and asks "how bad do you want it?"

˃˃˃ Only one can Win the Oscar!

They left heaven for what they thought would be grace, but was only hell camouflaged as a red carpet. Enlightenment will be the true gift. But the bloodstain will be the price. "I was only but 17 when I wrote this nightmare, but it was the greatest nightmare of all!"

˃˃˃ Welcome to Sugar Valley....

Sugar Valley was originally published in 2001. The Writer wrote it when he was 17. In 2014 it was released and became an Instant Bestseller when the author kindly offered it for free. In one day, thousands were downloaded. It has been completely edited and revised, due to the hunger of the readers. But the writing style has also been untouched, to keep the authenticity alive as it was written by a teenager.

"My gift to you, is to show you that anything's possible, including the impossible."