Open Wide!

Open Wide!

Catherine's got a dentist's appointment, but something is wrong. Her usual dentist is mysteriously replaced by a stranger with a wicked smile, and in the chair he drills her in more ways than one! Join Catherine on her strange, surreal sexual adventure as she learns what it really feels like to Open Wide!

Warning: This 5,400-word erotica story contains explicit descriptions of things so sinister they'll make you squirm in your seat! Mature audiences only.


"Catherine," he said. "So glad you could make it. Please, have a seat."

Catherine put her purse down and climbed up into the dentist's chair. Doctor Thorn loomed over her, staring down into her face with that smile of his always there.

"We're going to need the muscle relaxant again today, Catherine. You remember that, don't you?"

Catherine swallowed and nodded, her throat feeling too dry for her to speak. The doctor grabbed a needle from the table beside her.

"Hold out your arm," he instructed, and she did as he said. His eyes never left her, his smile never faltering, as he injected her veins with the clear liquid. She immediately felt her body begin to relax into the chair, her muscles melting down into puddles as her head relaxed back into the headrest.

"Good," Doctor Thorn said as he placed the needle on the table beside her. "Now unfortunately we've run out of gas, Catherine, which means you're going to be awake during the entire procedure. But I think you know what to expect since last time, isn't that right?"

The barrier in Catherine's mind broke open and she was flooded with panic. She remembered everything, everything that happened to her the last time and she realized that she had to get out of there immediately.

Her heart pounded as she struggled to get up, but her body wasn't listening. The drugs had done their job and she was stuck, helpless, unable to leave and get away from this place. Her eyes rolled wildly in her head as the doctor's gaze traveled down from her face to the waist of her pants. He reached down and undid them, hooking his fingers inside and pulling her clothes down off of her lower half. Catherine tried to scream but nothing came out.