Lone Wolf Anthology · A Dark Fantasy Story Collection

Lone Wolf Anthology · A Dark Fantasy Story Collection

When the going gets grim, the lone wolf rides in.

Introducing the Lone Wolf Anthology, a collection of 11 original stories honoring the outcasts and outsiders. These masterless men and women brave the wild and dark places of epic fantasy with nothing but iron will and good steel to serve them. They’re the ones you want at your side when defeat seems certain — warriors who smile in the face of death and heed no call but their own. These are the rebels and the renegades, the defiant and the disobedient.These are the lone wolves.

Featuring all-new stories from rising stars in epic and dark fantasy:

Introduction by Michael Fletcher (Manifest Delusions)

Ben Galley (Emaneska, The Scarlet Star Trilogy)

Derek Alan Siddoway (Teutevar Saga)

James Downe (Legacy of Ash)

Joseph R. Lallo (The Book of Deacon)

Jeffrey Poole (Tales of Lentari, Bakkian Chronicles)

Timandra Whitecastle (The Living Blade)

Michael D. LeFevre (Ghost of the Black Bull)

Damon J. Courtney (Dragon Bond)