[Histories of Malweir 01] • Armies of the Silver Mage

[Histories of Malweir 01] • Armies of the Silver Mage
Freed, Christian
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Malweir was once governed by the order of Mages, bringers of peace and light. Centuries passed. Unknown to most, one mage desired power above all else. He turned his will to the banished Dark Gods and brought war to the free lands. Only a handful of mages survived the betrayal and the Silver Mage was left free to twist the darker races to his bidding. The only thing he needs to complete his plan and rule the world forever are the four shards of the crystal of Tol Shere. Delin Kerny and Fennic Attleford never thought that one day they would be forced to flee their town in order to save their lives. Hunted by a ruthless mercenary, the boys are forced into the adventure they only dreamed about.

Ever ashamed of the horrors his kind let loose on the world the last mage, Dakeb, lives his life in shadows. His chance finally comes through the hearts and wills of Delin and Fennic. Dakeb bestows upon them the crystal shard, entrusting them with the one thing capable of restoring peace to Malweir.