Mastering Exploratory Analysis With Pandas

Mastering Exploratory Analysis With Pandas

Explore Python frameworks like pandas, Jupyter notebooks, and Matplotlib to build data pipelines and data visualizationKey FeaturesLearn to set up data analysis pipelines with pandas and Jupyter notebooksEffective techniques for data selection, manipulation, and visualizationIntroduction to Matplotlib for interactive data visualization using charts and plotsBook DescriptionThe pandas is a Python library that lets you manipulate, transform, and analyze data. It is a popular framework for exploratory data visualization and analyzing datasets and data pipelines based on their properties.This book will be your practical guide to exploring datasets using pandas. You will start by setting up Python, pandas, and Jupyter Notebooks. You will learn how to use Jupyter Notebooks to run Python code. We then show you how to get data into pandas and do some exploratory analysis, before learning how to manipulate and reshape data using pandas...