QUANTUM PHYSICS FOR BEGINNERS · Discover the Science of Quantum Mechanics and Hidden Secrets of the Universe

QUANTUM PHYSICS FOR BEGINNERS · Discover the Science of Quantum Mechanics and Hidden Secrets of the Universe
Goldstein, James
Independently Published
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QUANTUM PHYSICS THEORY EXPLAINED FOR EASY UNDERSTANDINGNow, you can have a firm grasp of reality bearing on our everyday life by traveling on an irresistible journey to discover nature, the elements, and their correlation with humanity using proven laws established by thoughtful theories, given from scholastic and rational minds like Newton, Einstein, Schr�dinger, and many others. In all the analogies in this book, space and time are overbearing on everything. Does time have a direction? What is space in real terms? How will the world and other elements look like without space and time? Is it possible to recall and restore lost time? However, space and time are absolute factors in the universe, as postulated by these scientists in Quantum Physics. Other things you will learn in this book include:

What is a wave function?

Understanding Schr�dinger Equation

Statistical Interpretation of Wave Function

What are Continuous Variables and Discrete Variables?

Explaining Normalization and Momentum

Understanding quantum dynamics

What are the two-level systems and the Perturbed system?

Explaining the Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory

Sinusoidal Perturbations and Incoherent Perturbation

Emission and Absorption of Radiation

Understanding Electromagnetic Waves

Spontaneous Emissions, Stimulated Emissions, and Absorption

A and B Coefficients of Einstein

The Law of Attraction

What is the Variational Principle?

Understanding the Theory of Variational Principle

What is the Ground State of Helium?

The Hydrogen Molecule and Hydrogen Ion

Introduction to Scattering

Theory of Classical Scattering

Theory of Quantum Scattering

The Analysis of Partial Wave

Strategy and Formalism in Scattering

Introduction to Time-Independent Perturbation Theory

What is the Non-Degenerate Perturbation Theory?

What is the Degenerate Perturbation Theory?

General Formulation

First Order Theory and Second-Order Energies

Two-Fold Degeneracy and Higher-Order Degeneracy

What is Spin Orbit Coupling?

Understanding Zeeman Effect

Weak Field and Strong Field Zeeman Effects

Intermediate Field Zeeman Effects

Understanding the Wkb Approximation

What is the Classical Region?

What are the Connection Formulas?

Introduction To Formalism

What is Hilbert Space and Observables?

The Bases in Hilbert Space.

Generalized Statistical Interpretation

What is the Proof of Generalized Statistical Interpretation?

Vectors and Operators Explained

Minimal Uncertainty Wave Packet

What is the Energy-Time Uncertainty Principle?

Introduction to Symmetries and Conservation Laws

What are Transformations in Space?

Understanding Translation Operator and How Operators Transform

What is Time-Translation Invariance?

Three dimensional Rotations

The Laws of Conservation

What is Parity and One Dimensional Parity?

Three Dimensional Parity

What are Identical Particles?

Understanding to Particle Systems

The Periodic Table

Three Dimensions of Quantum Mechanics

What is the Schrӧdinger Equation?

And much More..

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