The Pursuit of the Pankera · A Parallel Novel About Parallel Universes

The Pursuit of the Pankera · A Parallel Novel About Parallel Universes
Heinlein, Robert A.
CAEZIK SF & Fantasy
science fiction , fantasy
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*The Pursuit of the Pankera* is one of the most audacious experiments ever done in science fiction by the legendary author of the classic bestseller ***Starship Troopers.* **

Robert A. Heinlein wrote *The Number of the Beast* , which was published in 1980. In the book Zeb, Deety, Hilda and Jake are ambushed by the alien “Black Hats” and barely escape with their lives on a specially configured vehicle (the *Gay Deceiver* ) which can travel along various planes of existence, allowing them to visit parallel universes.

However, unknown to most fans, Heinlein had already written a “parallel” novel about the four characters and parallel universes in 1977. He effectively wrote two parallel novels about parallel universes. The novels share the same start, but as soon as the *Gay Deceiver* is used to transport them to a parallel universe, each book transports them to a totally different parallel world.

From that point on the plot lines diverge completely. While *The Number of the Beast* morphs into something very different, more representative of later Heinlein works, *The Pursuit of the Pankera* remains on target with a much more traditional Heinleinesque storyline and ending, reminiscent of his earlier works.

*The Pursuit of the Pankera* was never published and there have been many competing theories as to why (including significant copyright issues in 1977). Over time the manuscript was largely forgotten but survived in fragments. A recent re-examination of these fragments, however, made it clear that put together in the right order they constituted the complete novel.

And here it finally is: Robert A. Heinlein’s audacious experiment. A fitting farewell from one of the most inventive science fiction writers to have ever lived: a parallel novel about parallel universes as well as a great adventure pitting the forces of good versus evil only the way Heinlein could do.