[No Law Against Love 02] • No Law Against Love 2

[No Law Against Love 02] • No Law Against Love 2
Archer, Zoë & Bell, Amber Dawn & Bowen, Gerri & al, et
Highland Press
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The highly anticipated No Law Against Love 2 follows on the heels of its predecessor with seven delightful stories of how antiquated laws can be the catalyst for romance.

California. . .be careful how you clean your car.

England . . . your handful of a cat could land you in much more danger than a dungeon.

Wyoming . . . sex in a walk-in meat freezer? Bet you never thought of it before!

New York . . . skimpy clothing's merely a way to cool down? Not even close!

Arkansas . . . it may be your bathtub, but just wait to find out what you can't keep in it.

Great Britain . . . son, go do your homework - oops, make that your longbow practice.

Alabama . . . everybody loves fountains, but be careful what you do to them.

Buon Anno by Zoe Archer

Purrfect Companion by Amber Dawn Bell

Ice Capade by Candace Gold

Street Manners by Patty Howel

That’s a Croc by Kimberly Ivey

Something Wild by Gerri Bowen

The Lawyer and the Amazon by Lee Roland