[Devil's Due M.C. 01] • The Devil's Due

[Devil's Due M.C. 01] • The Devil's Due

“Don’t worry girlie,” he snarled. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.” He stepped forward and lifted me easily on to the table, as if I weighed no more than a feather, then moved his face close to my own. “I’m jes gonna make you scream.”

Flint Springs is a town under siege. The once yearly meet up of the

outlaw motorcycle club, The Devil's Due, has taken over the dusty

backwater. Townspeople lock their doors against the dangerous gang,

and most sensible people steer clear of the swaggering men in leather.

**Lainey isn't most people.**

Trapped in this tiny town and desperate to escape her violently abusive stepfather, she longs for the freedom of the open road. To ride with the Devils is her wildest dream. So when the gang rolls into town, the desperate nineteen year old resolves to offer herself in exchange for the chance to ride with them.

A mysterious biker tries to warn her of what lies ahead. He knows what is in store for her.

When the desperate dreamer offers herself to dangerous men, she finds out

that the freedom of the road comes with a steep price. **When you ride

with the Devil, you have to give him his due.**

Grab onto the handlebars and hang on for dear life as this intensely erotic introduction into the world of the Devil's Due Motorcycle Club takes you on the ultimate thrill ride.


I stood in the tiny gray storeroom, trying to slow the rapid beat of my heart as I surveyed my surroundings. Dust motes danced crazily in the shaft of light that pierced the gloom. I heard scraping sounds and the occasional barking laugh. The filthy window looked out onto the back parking lot, but was so obscured with years of grime and cigar smoke that all I could make out was moving shadows that milled outside. I was alone, but from the look of the growing throng outside, I wasn’t going to be for long.

The door swung open again and the fat biker beckoned with a wide leer. I squared my shoulders and stepped through to find the bar transformed. There were risers set up, *so everyone can have a clear view,* I realized. Sitting draped across one chair was an imposing figure that was surveying the scene like a king on a throne. The air of authority dripped from him; even the most grizzled and tough looking bikers seemed to defer to him. I followed his gaze to a table that had been set up in the center of the bar and draped with a cloth and swallowed nervously.

I knew what that was for.

“They tell me you want to ride with the Devils,” the imposing man boomed out.

I stepped closer to him and lifted my chest. Let him see what I had to offer. “Yes,” I said firmly, battering down the part of me that wanted to run for the door. The bikers had started settling into their chairs and every single one of them was looking at me like a dog looks at a particularly juicy piece of steak. I thought I knew my way around men, but I was starting to think I was in way over my head.